Weather serving the Crown or theChurch, sometimes a specialist is called for, a specialist in Pain! Trained in
the methods of torture and skilled in the use of various instruments of pain,
from scalpels and razors to elaborate torture devices, each more diabolical
than the last, the torturer uses his knowledge of human anatomy to better
inflict pain on his subjects.
Armor 12, Move 40/120, Level 3
Specialist, 10hp, Scalpel 1d4.
Physik* 5/6, Tinkering 5/6.
*In our game we created the
Physik skill for first aid, if the roll succeeds the patient heals +1d3 hp. May
only be used once per patient, after that it’s in the “hands of God”. Can also be used to stabilize a dying
character, or just as knowledge of medicine or human anatomy.
The idea is that the torturer uses Physik and Tinkering in combination to inflict pain on subjects, not to kill them, but to extract confessions, information, or just for sick twisted pleasure. He can roll Tinkering to operate various torture devices and Physik to keep them alive.
Love it. Reminds me of those holy men from the manga Berskerk.